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Portsmouth Youth Academy gets behind university dental initiative
Latest News Portsmouth Youth Academy gets behind university dental initiative in a bid to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining oral health. The... - Learn more
If kids can tie their shoes ‘they can brush their teeth’
Parents keen to ensure their kids' teeth are strong and healthy have been advised by a childrens dentistry specialist that they are ready to brush their own... - Learn more
Children ‘should visit a dentist before school starts’
Some emergency dentistry could be avoided if parents take the advice of one US expert. Doctor Jonathan Scheff, chief medical officer for Health Net, has told adults... - Learn more
Early dental care ‘will help anxious children’
Taking children to dental appointments at a young age can both prevent the need for emergency dentistry and allay fears, one expert has claimed. Dr Tom Hall... - Learn more
Have teeth checked ‘before a holiday’
To reduce the likelihood of requiring dental treatment while on holiday, one specialist has recommended visiting the dentist prior to the trip. Suzy Press from the... - Learn more
Welsh kids ‘have worst dental health’
Children in Wales have poor oral health. Children in Wales have the worst oral health of any nationality in the UK, a new report has shown. Figures from the British...
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