Men and women don’t always agree on everything, but according to a study carried out by dating website, singletons of both genders cited good teeth as being the most important thing when it comes to finding the perfect partner. Almost 5,500 adults aged twenty-one or over were asked how they would rank several assets on a first date and a staggering 71% of women named white, straight teeth as number one, with 58% of men in agreement.

Second place was given to ‘grammar’ in both lists, then came hair, clothes, tattoos, and fingernails – in similar percentages for men and women, although women voted for tattoos/no tattoos over hair and nails.

Whilst this might make both sexes look pretty superficial, a second survey was carried out about important factors in relationships, with men ranking ‘Someone I can trust and confide in’ as number one, and women choosing ‘Treats me with respect.’ It seems men are interested in prospective partners who are physically attractive and have a good sense of humour, whilst women are generally looking for someone who has similar values to them and can communicate well.

Interestingly, the survey found that the least important asset for both genders turned out to be an eagerness to settle down and marry.

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