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Redoing Root Canal Treatment

General Dentistry

Redoing Root Canal Treatment

redoing root canal treatment

Although root canal treatment has a success rate of around 80%, on occasions root canal treatment can fail due to persistent bacteria. If this is the case then redoing the root canal treatment also known as root canal retreatment is an alternative to tooth extraction. This procedure is carried out by our specialist Endodontist under dental microscope magnification.

What are the symptoms of tooth reinfection?

Sometimes there is no pain but there maybe a swelling or a lump on the gum next to the tooth discharging pus.

Are there any alternatives to root canal retreatment?

There is the wait and see approach but usually the only real alternative to undergoing root canal retreatment is to have the tooth extracted.

If teeth are removed and not replaced, there is a chance that the neighbouring and opposing teeth can tilt, overerupt or drift and cause bite disturbances.

Does root canal treatment work every time?

No, root canal re-treatment has a success rate of around 75% and it can on occasions fail. If a well carried out root canal retreatment fails, the tooth is either extracted or Apicectomy Microsurgery is carried out to save the tooth.

root canal retreatment

How does redoing root canal treatment work?

Patients usually visit a Specialist Endodontist for root canal retreatment as infection in such infections are usually more severe and difficult to manage. Endodontists have had an extra 4 years of specialist training in root canal treatment and use the most innovative techniques and materials including using dental microscopes, rotary endodontics and electronic apex locators to ensure the best treatment outcomes are achieved.

vdw endodontic motor and apex locator

Sometimes the reason that the root canal treatment failed in first place maybe due to the tooth having unusual or complex anatomy. In such cases, the endodontist may recommend having a 3D X-ray CBCT scan of the tooth carried out before redoing the root canal treatment. We have the CBCT machine on-site, should a 3D scan be necessary for your tooth.

cone beam ct scan



Root canal retreatment video


At Pearl Dental Clinic, you can spread the cost of dental treatment interest-free with our 0% dental finance plans.

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Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm. You can book a root canal consultation appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or by emailing us or book an appointment online (available 24 hours/day)


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