New false teeth for 85-year-old woman.
A woman in Scotland has had the same set of false teeth for 61 years and has finally had a set of replacements fitted.
The Sun reported Jessie Nicholson, 85, had her original dentures fitted in 1949 and at the time she was told they were just a temporary set and that she should return in six months to have them replaced; however, she never did.
Albany Dental Clinic spokeswoman Donna Deacon said: “Jessie has been very lucky to have been able to wear the temporary set of false teeth for so long.
“The fact any set of dentures has lasted 61 years is amazing.”
Nowadays, a viable alternative to false teeth for many is the use of dental implants and Vail Daily recently reported that the procedure to put these dentistry devices in place is now very straightforward and can be virtually painless for many patients.
Vail Dental Health claimed once a person has decided to have the procedure carried out, it is simply a matter of choosing the right sites for the implants and ensuring there is adequate bone strength and depth.