The BBC’s morning television show, Fake Britain, have recently aired an episode of the show highlighting the extreme dangers of illegal tooth whitening, and exposing unqualified and unregulated practitioners. The show also looked into the dangers of unsafe or fake home whitening kits.

Teeth whitening has seen a major increase in industry growth over the last few years, with more and more people wanting to achieve a bright white smile. According to research figures, twenty-eight percent of people (one in four) would rather visit illegal beauticians or purchase potentially fake or unsafe home whitening kits than have the procedure performed by a trained dentist.

There are strict regulations attached to the industry that stipulate who can legally and safely perform teeth whitening procedures, therefore it is essential to visit a trained and qualified professional to avoid an array of potential side effects.

The BSDHT (British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy) have also expressed concern over the huge dangers associated with illegal tooth whitening. Their president, Michaela O’Neil, spoke of the dangerous side effects that these products can cause, such as, chemical burns, tooth loss, potential permanent scarring and, in some extreme cases, people have been known to find their breathing and eating severely affected. The BSDHT praised ‘Fake Britain’ for raising people’s awareness of just how dangerous fake products and illegal practises can be.



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