Children’s tooth development linked to future problems.
Children who have fewer teeth coming through by the age of one could be more prone to orthodontic problems in the future, a new study has shown.
The Telegraph reported the research – which was carried out by teams from Imperial College London, the University of Bristol and the University of Oulu in Finland – showed the delayed appearance of milk teeth has a direct correllation with the need for emergency dentistry treatments as a child grows.
She told the newspaper: “The discoveries of genetic and environmental determinants of human development will help us to understand the development of many disorders which appear later in life.”
Elsewhere, Tod Bigelow recently wrote in a blog for Hattiesburg American parents have been advised by the American Dental Association that letting their children use pacifiers after the age of two could have a detrimental effect on the development of their teeth.
He noted it can lead to a narrowing of the upper jaw in relation to the lower jaw, resulting in an improper bite.