More people have started grinding their teeth.
The number of people who grind their teeth is increasing, it has been claimed.
According to CNY Life, the stress of the global recession and the impact this has had on many people’s day-to-day lives has resulted in an increasing number of dentists claiming they are treating people for bruxism – better known as teeth grinding.
New York dentist Dr Vincent DiMento told the publication: “A lot of times, patients don’t even know they’re doing it, until they are made aware.”
He added that for some patients, however, the problem has completely taken over their lives.
Elsewhere, the Windsor Star recently reported that many children suffer from this affliction, but it is not something that parents should be unduly worried about.
Indeed, the newspaper noted that this is often just a phase and can be caused by a range of factors, most of which are to do with the normal growth of a child’s body.