In the run up to the premiere of her new film, Bridget Jones’s Baby, actress Renee Zellweger has flatly denied claims that she has undergone cosmetic surgery, stating that she is more than comfortable with aging naturally. The star re-emerged from her six year acting break back in 2014, at the Elle Magazine’s Women in Hollywood awards, with a drastic new look. Following this appearance, the actress sparked an array of wild media speculation about her potential plastic surgery work, which still seems to be attracting debate following her recent appearance on the BBC’s, The One Show.

Some fans have expressed grave concerns about the star’s drastically changing facial features after her One Show appearance. Fans stated that she looked “unrecognisable” and also pointed out that it looked as if she was “struggling to open her eyes” on the show, The Mirror Online reported.

Following the media frenzy that ensued, people are opening up dialogue and discussion about the deeper issue of female body image and the ‘pressures’ of continuing to look young and youthful in a modern society. This is a debate that seems to be a hot topic of conversation at the present time and will most likely continue to be over the coming months and years.



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