emergency dentistBrits have been advised to floss regularly or face a trip to see the emergency dentist or worse.

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, flossing helps to remove bacteria in the mouth which, if left unchecked, could find its way into the bloodstream and lead to an increase in the build up of plaque in arteries.

In such cases, this plaque can increase the likelihood of strokes or coronary heart disease and lead to complications face more serious than a simple case of bad breath.

AsiaOne Health also recently reported that regular brushing of the teeth can help people avoid the need for teeth whitening and help them maintain a good level of oral health.

The publication noted getting regular dental check-ups is also advised, as by doing so people can be made aware of the specific needs of their teeth and how best to look after themselves so as not to need dental implants or other treatments in the future.

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