Public 'could put oral health at risk during summer holidays'Individuals who are enjoying summer holidays have been advised to monitor their sugar intake in a bid to limit their chances of needing emergency dentistry.

The British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) has issued members of the public with an urgent warning about the high sugar content in a variety of drinks.

Addressing common changes to normal dietary habits during warmer months, the organisation encouraged families to adopt reliable routines to maintain oral health.

In addition, the charity provided holidaymakers with an online chart highlighting substances with potentially harmful amounts of sugar, such as wine and salad dressing.

Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the BDHF, said: "Eating and drinking naturally weakens the enamel on your teeth, and as a result, the foundation recommends eating three square meals a day instead of having seven to ten 'snack attacks'." recommends healthy snacks such as raw vegetables and whole-grain crackers as an alternative to sugary sweets and biscuits.ADNFCR-2621-ID-800610614-ADNFCR

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