People turning to Zoom teeth whitening 'for brighter smiles'Dentists across the globe are recommending teeth whitening bleach as a way to achieve shiny white teeth.

These procedures are not just for personal confidence either, with some medical professionals suggesting that they may help to boost your career prospects, with employers likely to look for clean-cut people to fill any vacancies.

A few years of drinking tea, coffee, cola and red wine – plus smoking – can cause teeth to become stained, but luckily teeth whitening treatments can completely remove all traces of your beverage intake.

It is widely accepted that white teeth are a sign of accountability due to the difficulty of ensuring their whiteness over a long period of time.

Sometimes brushing your teeth just isn’t enough to combat years of tea drinking, particularly if the person involved is a smoker, with cigarettes known for causing teeth to yellow.

Gary Linekar’s model wife Danielle Bux recently forked out £2,000 on cosmetic dentistry, the News of the World reported earlier this month.ADNFCR-2621-ID-19382308-ADNFCR

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