Common oral health complaints have been highlighted.
There are a number of oral health conditions that are becoming increasingly common and as a result, C+D has published a list of what people should look out for.
Brits worried they may be developing an oral health complaint should look to see if they have reddened or bleeding gums, as this can be one the early signs of gingivitis or gum disease.
In addition, other common complaints are tooth decay, dental abscesses and halitosis, all signs that a person is not looking after their mouth properly.
Elsewhere, Doc Q recently posted a blog on Q News that highlighted a number of ways in which people could improve their oral health.
The blogger stated that over-brushing can damage the gums leading to a greater risk of gingivitis and because of this, the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush is advised, while cutting back on sugary drinks and giving up smoking are also things that people should look to do.