A woman who was left in agony for four years after her wisdom tooth was incorrectly removed has accepted £50,000 in compensation from the dentist who performed her surgery; Rehana Musa, 72, sued dentist Dr Piotr Pietrusczczak after he failed to check her medical history properly and extracted the tooth in 2008.

Mrs Musa has experienced a lot of pain since then and the wound did not heal properly, despite multiple surgeries, including one that meant a section of the jaw bone was removed; she told the Daily Mail ‘It is a horrible, terrible pain which keeps me awake at night. I can’t eat solid foods and it hurts to talk for long. I’m on three types of pain killers all the time and I’ve been told there’s no chance of it healing.’

She then added that Dr Pietrusczczak asked her whether the tooth was painful after she had an ulcer treated at the local hospital, she explains ‘I said no but that the people in the maxillofacial unit had sent me to get the tooth removed. He gave me an anaesthetic and pulled out the tooth. He didn’t go through the notes beforehand.’ According to the dental team, the problem was the result of the medication Mrs Musa was taking for her osteoporosis, she says ‘I had been taking it for three or four years and, because of that, the wisdom tooth wound could never heal. The dentist would have known this had he looked at my medical records but he didn’t.’

Dr Pietrusczczak agreed to an out of court settlement of £50,000, which Mrs Musa hopes to put towards a more successful treatment.

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