Anyone having root canal treatment soon may wish to help themselves prepare using natural remedies.
This is the suggestion of naturopath Mim Beim in an article for the Sydney Morning Herald, who said they can assist the body in getting ready for any procedure, as well as with post-operative healing.
"Whether it is root canal or open heart, the body responds to surgery as to any injury, with bruising and inflammation," she pointed out.
The expert recommended taking a multivitamin containing zinc, vitamins C and A and Echinacea in the weeks leading up to the surgery.
Meanwhile, to combat anxiety on the day, a few drops of Rescue Remedy and some 'belly breathing' – drawing air from the stomach upwards slowly instead of from the chest – should assist with calming the mind, Ms Beim commented.
Finally, she recommended some arnica for taking own any swelling that may occur after the procedure.
Singer Kelly Clarkson recently revealed on Facebook that she had had root canal treatment.