Britons worried about having crooked teeth could get their smile straightened by using Invisalign braces.

According to Dental Plans, teeth aligners such as Invisalign braces remove the need for unsightly metal railings in the mouth and instead act invisibly to straighten teeth without putting a cramp on a person’s style.

Dr Athanasius Morcos, a Florida dentist, commented: "Many adults consider metal braces unsightly."

He therefore advised anyone worried about the alignment of their teeth to consider custom-moulded Invisalign braces as an alternative, as they could provide results which are just as good in the long run.

Elsewhere, cosmetic dentist Ruby Karyadi recently told the Jakarta Post that Invisalign braces could help correct malocclusion and create a stunning smile.

She argued that improperly aligned teeth could be painful for a person, as well as increasing the risk of tooth decay as food and other debris can be trapped between the teeth.

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