George Michael uses teeth whitening products.The list of items bought by George Michael while he was in prison has been found to include teeth whitening products.

Michael was recently released after spending 27 days in jail for possession of cannabis and driving under the influence of drugs.

The Daily Star has discovered that he seemed keen to keep looking good while he was incarcerated, purchasing tooth whitening toothpaste, toenail clippers and shampoo from the shop.

However, he may also have been risking needing emergency dentistry at some point in the future by comfort eating snacks like peanut butter, chocolate eclairs and HobNobs.

The former Wham! singer may be interested to learn that an oral health expert recently recommended professional teeth whitening treatments over toothpaste that is supposed to make their teeth brighter. reported that the chemicals in such pastes could actually wear down tooth enamel and make them look dull as opposed to buffing them up.

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