Teeth can suffer long-term damage if people regularly indulge in high sugar drinks, a dental specialist has claimed.
Frequent exposure to the acidity in carbonated drinks can cause tooth enamel erosion, it has been warned, which can then lead to decay due to the high sugar content also found in the products.
Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF), said: “Every time you eat or drink something sugary or acidic your teeth are under attack for a whole hour.”
He advised people to protect their teeth by limiting their intake of sweet drinks and chewing sugar free gum to help maintain good oral hygiene.
The comments come after a survey conducted by the BDHF found that of the 1,000 people questioned, one in seven respondents said they have a fizzy drink most days.
Men were shown to be the most likely to sample sugary beverages, with people aged under 30 classed as the worst offenders, with one in four admitting to having one regularly.
Brits were also recently advised by the foundation to be wary of smoothies, which are high in sugar content and can have a negative impact on oral health if consumed too often.