Even tiny children should be protected from emergency dentistry.   Going to the dentist as soon as children are old enough could help to prevent them needing emergency dentistry at a later date.

This is according to oral health expert Jason Rosenfield, who told NorthJersey.com that a youngster's first birthday or as soon as they have around four teeth is a great time to start.

He pointed out that although these teeth are not permanent, they can still get cavities and infections. Furthermore, getting youngsters used to looking after their teeth will set a good example.

"Good dental habits are all part and partial to good dental development," Mr Rosenfeld said.

This follows recent research cited by Dentistry.co.uk from Philips Sonicare, which discovered that millions of parents could be putting their kids at risk of needing emergency dentistry.

Some 18 per cent admitted that their youngsters only brush their teeth once a day, if at all, because it is easier than forcing them to do it twice.

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