Fewer people need to have all of their teeth replaced with artificial dentures due to developments in cosmetic dentistry, it has been claimed.
According to the Times of India, there are a range of treatments for those who may be suffering from poor dental formation.
“Plain neglect” and “bad oral hygiene” are the two most common factors for problems such as loose teeth, the publication stated, which could lead to the need for emergency dentistry if not addressed.
“The facilities available to a dentist removing all the plaque, tartar formations [and] performing gum surgery,” it noted.
In some cases, it may be necessary for the patient to have infected material removed from the mouth in order to strengthen the teeth and gums.
Last month, Dr Nabin Basnet was reported by Republica as saying poor oral hygiene is one of the leading causes of bad breath and is particularly noticeable in the mornings.