Mouth cancer check-ups recommended.

People across the UK have been urged to visit their dentist regularly in order to screen against mouth cancer.

The Hartlepool Mail reported that NHS Hartlepool is inviting individuals who are at a higher risk – men over 50 – to get free check-ups at the organisation’s mobile dentistry unit in April.

The publication stated: “Oral cancer kills more than 5,000 people annually. Smokers, drinkers and men over 50 are most at risk.”

Furthermore, NHS Hartlepool revealed that incident rates have been rising in recent years for mouth cancer sufferers.

Elsewhere, the Mal Hutton CHANCE (Campaign For Head and Neck Cancer Education) Fund recently echoed this sentiment and suggested Brits worried about their general health should head to their local dentist’s office to have a check-up.

Wigan Today reported that dental professionals will routinely check for this disease and it can be a good way to spot the early signs of cancer development.

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