A reality star who is making a name for himself with online blunders has put his foot in it again after eBay asked him to remove a listing for his recently removed wisdom teeth; Big Brother Australia winner Tim Dormer, 29, had two wisdom teeth removed and listed them on the auction site after a fan suggested it would be a good idea.
This is not the first time Dormer has fallen foul of social networking; last year he posted a picture of his bank account after scooping the $250,000 Big Brother prize, but failed to remove his bank details from the screen shot.
After having the teeth removed, Dormer posted an advert on Twitter, saying ‘While I lay there in pain thought it would be funny to put my removed wisdom teeth on eBay. Bid away weirdos. [Sic]’ According to the Daily Mail, the teeth attracted 109 bids with one fan offering $100,000. The 2013 reality show winner appeared to be unaware that selling human organs, tissue, and bone on the site is prohibited under eBay’s Human Body Parts and Remains policy. He later removed the teeth and added ‘Whoops. Apparently you’re not allowed to sell body parts on eBay. Shame, my wisdoms went for nearly $100k, sheesh imagine what I could get for a kidney!’
The Australian apparently underwent the extraction procedure on Thursday in order to start orthodontic treatment with Invisalign braces.