Treatment options
Internal whitening
Often with a black tooth, the problem is on the inside rather than the outside. This is why traditional external teeth whitening is ineffective because it only bleaches the enamel on the tooth’s outside surface. Internal whitening is applied to the inside of the discoloured tooth to rectify the problem and whiten the tooth. Internal whitening does not require any tooth reduction. However, internal whitening results are not permanent and the tooth may discolour again some years later and may need further internal tooth whitening.
Learn more about internal whitening
Composite bonding
This material is sculpted onto the tooth’s surface to cover up any discolouration or imperfections. Composite bonding can also change the shape of the tooth if needed. Composite bonding lasts around 3-5 years.
Learn more about composite bonding
Dental veneer or crown
If the structure of the tooth has been badly affected by decay or the tooth is very discoloured then a dental veneer or crown could be the ideal solution to hide the discolouration. A dental crown fits over the whole tooth to encase and protect it. This option will restore the colour of the tooth as well as protect it from fracture. Crowns and veneers usually last around 10 years.
Learn more about cosmetic dentistry