While the majority of individuals who do not like the appearance of their smile are unhappy with the alignment of their teeth, gum tissue can also create a problem for many, as they feel they either have too much or not enough gum on show when smiling. This situation can be improved with a painless laser procedure called Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty.
Both of these procedures are carried out by a periodontist who specialises in treating gums, but there is a key difference between the two.
A gingivectomy is the surgical removal of gum tissues – which is also known as gingiva – while a gingivoplasty is the reshaping of the area around teeth, which is often carried out on individuals who feel they have an excessive gum-to-tooth ratio.
Originally developed to treat gum disease, this course of action is now used more commonly as a cosmetic procedure.
Patients who seek this treatment usually do so for one of two reasons:
The act of reshaping the area through gingivoplasty can help to make gums appear more natural and can be used to correct asymmetrical gums, those that are badly formed, when they have been affected by gum disease or malformed due to genetic problems, as well as treating individuals who have suffered gum recession.
Before either treatment is carried out, our periodontist will discuss the process with each patient, as well as enquire about their oral hygiene routine. Initially patients usually receive a thorough mouth cleaning in order to remove any plaque or calculus present.
There is careful planning by the periodontist to ensure that you are fully happy with the plan before any treatment is carried out. For the procedure, Local anaesthetic is given first. Both procedures are usually administered using a scalpel or a soft tissue laser is used.
Following the operation, a periodontal dressing will be placed on the gum tissue and is left in place for between one and two weeks. During this period, individuals are advised to consume a soft diet and avoid spicy foods, while also abstaining from eating crunchy items. We may prescribe some pain medications and chlorhexidine mouth rinse.
It is vital for those that have undergone either procedure to keep their mouth clean, but they should avoid brushing their teeth in the surgical area while the dressing is still in place.
The gingivectomy fees range from £495 to £1495 depending on the number of teeth that require treatment. Gum Grafting Surgery (Gingivoplasty) fees range from £750 to £1495. For these treatments you would need to book in a consultation with our experienced periodontist, Dr. Sonum Patel. The consultation fee is £150. When you see our specialist, she will provide a customized treatment plan for you. You can spread the cost of your treatment interest free over 6-24 months.
Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm. You can book a gingivectomy/gingivoplasty consultation with our periodontist (gum specialist) by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or emailing us or by booking an appointment online (24 hours).
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