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Dental Sealants

General Dentistry

Dental Sealants & Fissure Sealants

While tooth decay remains one of the most common oral health issues among both children and adults, it is also extremely simple to prevent. An effective daily routine that involves regular brushing and flossing can be successful in warding off the build-up of bacteria on the teeth.

Dental sealants are used to protect the back teeth from the signs of decay. They are also effective in successfully preventing cavities from forming on the teeth.

dental sealants

Which areas of the mouth can benefit from sealants?

Permanent molars are the most likely teeth to enjoy the advantages provided by dental sealants. These pearly whites emerge when a child is approximately six years old. The secondary molars usually appear at the age of 12.

The application of sealants

Fortunately, the application of dental sealants does not require drilling or altering the tooth structure. The short and easy procedure initially involves the extensive cleaning of the chosen tooth. Following this, a special type of gel is applied to the chewing surface for a few seconds, then washed off and dried.

A dentist or hygienist paints the sealant onto the pearly white. Overall, the protective course of action takes around one minute for the material to create a protective shield.

How will the sealants feel and look?

Although the substance may feel different initially, children will soon get used to it. The material used to create this effective treatment is extremely thin and only fills the pits and grooves of molar teeth.

Similarly, the material can only be seen when it is observed up close due to its clear white or slightly tinted appearance. In the majority of cases, it will not be visible when a patient smiles or talks.

Are dental sealants a long-term solution?

If looked after correctly, the treatment can last between five and ten years. While the procedure can help youngsters remain protected against decay, the requirement to maintain an effective hygiene routine – including the use of products containing fluoride – remains vital.

Commonly found in toothpaste, mouthwashes, and tap water, fluoride can help to prevent the onset of dental issues. Working in conjunction with the sealant, it can stop decay from developing on the pearly whites and ward off the formation of cavities that can result in more serious problems.

Are sealants more effective than a natural approach?

Dentists would argue that any added protection for the teeth can only provide a bonus for patients.book dental appointment

Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am-10pm. You can book an appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or by emailing us or book an appointment online (available 24 hours/day)


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