Brits with missing teeth could have dental implants or a bridge.
Individuals who need to undergo emergency dentistry procedures because they have a missing tooth have been advised they have a number of treatment options available to them.
HTR News reported patients could choose to have a bridge fitted or they could have dental implants.
Dentist Dr Jessica Hall told the news provider: “The advantages of implants are that they do not harm any other teeth and, due to advancing technologies, can last a very long time. Some implants even outlast other teeth.”
Dr Hall noted dental implants often consist of a small, titanium screw that is fixed in the jaw bone, which a false tooth is then attached to.
Elsewhere, Consumer Guide to Dentistry recently reported the uptake of dental implants is set to gather pace in 2010.
According to a report by the publication, next year will see an increase in both the variety and affordability of the procedure, as the techniques for manufacturing and fitting the devices become more refined
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