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Tooth Wear Gallery

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Tooth Wear Gallery

This gentleman presented to our clinic, with very worn down teeth as a result of teeth grinding. His lower 1/3 facial height was reduced giving the facial profile of a much older gentleman.

To regain the lost vertical height his bite was increased by addition of filling material to his lower front teeth first. Once it was established there has been no developed complications with his facial muscles and joints, his top front teeth were built up to further regain the lost vertical height.


Tooth Wear Treatment Before After - Full arch worn down teeth This patient presented with worn down upper and lower front teeth as well as a discoloured upper central.
Tooth Wear Treatment Before After - Lower teeth white filling The six lower front teeth were first built up with white filling material to regain the lost vertical height caused by tooth wear.
Tooth Wear Treatment Before After - Top/Bottom arch teeth after white filling You can see that the back teeth are no longer coming together hence the bite has been jacked open.
Tooth Wear Treatment Before After - over eruption upper/lower teeth come together Six weeks later you can see the back teeth have now come together by over-eruption.


We then built up the six upper front teeth with white filling material.

Tooth Wear Treatment Before After - Right side upper/lower teeth not in contact Again, the back teeth are no longer in contact on the right side.
Tooth Wear Treatment Before After - Left side upper/lower teeth not in contact The teeth at the back on the left side are also again not in contact.
Tooth Wear Treatment Before After - Upper/Lower teeth after cementation Once it was established that no complication had developed with the facial muscles and the jaw joints, the front four teeth were crowned eight weeks later.


This is the image of the crowns, immediately after cementation.

Ten Days Later …

Before After Tooth Wear - Full arch healthy, contoured shape, full bite teeth This is the same site, ten days after cementation of the crowns. Clearly it can be seen that the gums are in healthy and well contoured shape and the teeth are in full bite.



Before After Tooth Wear - Full arch worn down teeth Before After Tooth Wear - Full arch healthy, contoured shape, full bite teeth


Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am-10pm. You can book a tooth wear consultation by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or by emailing us or book an appointment online (available 24 hours/day)

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