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Stained teeth explained
The issues that can result is stained teeth have been highlighted. Many people falsely assume that stained teeth come about as a result of poor oral health and this... - Learn more
White teeth ‘require more than brushing’
Maintaining a bright smile can require more than brushing alone. Individuals hoping to maintain a set of pearly whites have been advised that sometimes brushing... - Learn more
Alternative teeth cleaning methods
People do not just have to use toothpaste to brush their teeth. Everyone knows that maintaining a regular oral health routine is beneficial to the long-term health... - Learn more
Sensitive teeth explained
Sensitive teeth need not be a problem. There are many reasons that a person can develop sensitive teeth and napsnet.com has highlighted some of the ways the problem... - Learn more
Green beer ‘could have dental risks’
St Patrick’s Day could herald teeth problems for some. Ahead of today’s (March 17th) St Patrick’s Day celebrations people looking to celebrate the... - Learn more
Keep teeth healthy ‘all year round’
People are advised to ensure they maintain a good oral health routine all the time. People have been advised to ensure they keep up a good oral health routine all... - Learn more
Don’t brush after drinking
People have been warned of the dangers of brushing too soon after drinking. People should refrain from brushing their teeth directly after drinking acidic... - Learn more
Tips to teach kids oral health
Teaching children about oral health is important. People trying to get their kids to brush their teeth regularly and set them up to have good oral health routines... - Learn more
Oral bacteria ‘could be damaging to unborn babies’
Pregnant women should rememer to maintain good oral health. Pregnant women have been urged to ensure they maintain a good standard of oral health during the...
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