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Children ‘outgrow teeth grinding’

Pearl Dental Clinic
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Many children grow out of grinding their teeth.

The parents of children who grind their teeth have been reassured that in many cases this is a phase that they will grow out of.

The Windsor Star reported that many children suffer from this affliction, but it is not something that parents should be unduly worried about.

In fact, teeth grinding – or bruxism as it is also known – can be caused by a range of factors, most of which are to do with the normal growth of a child’s body.

The publication noted: “The reasons why it happens with these youngsters are not well known or understood at this point. Some clinicians feel it is related to differences in the rates of upper and lower jaw development.”

Elsewhere, the Tennessean recently reported that more dentists are seeing patients who have damaged their oral health through excessive teeth grinding.

Indeed, the newspaper revealed that research from the Chicago Dental Society has shown 65 per cent of dentists have claimed an increase in treating this condition over the last six months.

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