Teeth whitening should always be carried out by a trained dentist in order to avoid accidents and injuries.
This is the recommendation of Dr Keith Cohen, an oral health expert who said it is the best way to ensure safe, effective results.
Indeed, the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry recently found that some DIY kits do not just lighten the teeth but erode them, while others have moulds that cause bleaching agents to leak out and affect the gums.
"If you want to white your teeth, get a dentist to do it, as they will use a made-to-measure tray around the teeth that will reduce the risk of leakage," Dr Cohen commented.
He also advised against shopping for teeth whitening kits on unknown internet sites, as these too may be dangerous.
This echoes a recent article by Miriam Stoppard, who told the Mirror that it is worth saving up for professional teeth whitening rather than trying to do it yourself.
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