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London tooth whitening can improve looks ‘without major surgery’

Pearl Dental Clinic
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Why not have a London tooth whitening treatment?Tooth whitening procedures in London are likely to be popular with those who are self-conscious of their smile.

But as well as being effective, it is a good way to improve someone’s looks without them having to resort to major surgery, one critic has suggested.

An article for Single Edition asked why people should go through an intensive operation when they only need to fix something small.

It asked: "What if your smile makes you sad or your eyesight is impairing your better judgment?"

Tooth whitening can brighten smiles that are discoloured by lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking coffee, the online resource highlighted.

The topic of porcelain veneers was also discussed, as these are used to fix crooked, chipped or small teeth.

Of course, those thinking about either procedure can ask a professional for a consultation that will outline the most suitable options available – people who think they might need major cosmetic dentistry may find an ostensibly big problem can be fixed easily.ADNFCR-2621-ID-19394935-ADNFCR

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