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George Washington’s teeth demonstrate progress in cosmetic dentistry

Pearl Dental Clinic
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George Washington could not benefit from cosmetic dentistry like we can.   A set of teeth dating back to the days when cosmetic dentistry left a lot to be desired have become the star attraction in a US museum.

The Baltimore Museum in Maryland is showing off a set of dentures worn by George Washington while he was president of the nation.

They are made of hippopotamus ivory and are proving popular with the institution’s visitors, who are also able to check out Queen Victoria’s pearl dental instruments and a set of historic toothbrushes.

Director of communications Amy Pelsinsky explained that Baltimore Museum has a light-hearted approach to the history of cosmetic dentistry that also aims to encourage children to look after their own teeth.

Commenting on President Washington’s oral health, she said: “We think he had many illnesses throughout his life, you know, it was tough living back then.”

The first ever president of the United States, Washington was inaugurated on April 30th 1789 on Wall Street in New York.

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