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Could cosmetic dentistry beat mild sleep apnoea?

Pearl Dental Clinic
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Could cosmetic dentistry help your sleep apnoea?Cosmetic dentistry may be able to help people who suffer from sleep apnoea, one expert has attested.

In an interview with the Victoria Advocate, Texan dentist Mac Lee explained that oral healthcare experts are often the first to spot a patient has a problem of this kind, as they may also grind their teeth.

However, he explained that a simple product called a Mandibular Advancement Device – which is like a mouth guard – could prevent the condition because it gently brings the jaw forward and opens up the back of the throat.

"If you or your loved ones have a snoring problem, don't hesitate to discuss treatment options with your dentist," Dr Lee advised.

According to the NHS, sleep apnoea affects approximately four in 100 middle-aged men and two in 100 middle-aged women.

However, people of all ages can also suffer from it and only one in four people know they have sleep apnoea.ADNFCR-2621-ID-800285299-ADNFCR

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