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Best dental treatment ‘varies person to person’

Pearl Dental Clinic
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The best cosmetic dentistry could vary between peopleWhether people are considering teeth whitening or dental implants, one oral health professional is encouraging them to talk to a dentist to find out which treatment is best suited to them.

Dr David Halpern is the president of the Academy of General Dentistry and was quoted in EmaxHealth as explaining while a particular procedure might be suitable for one patient, it might not be the greatest choice for someone else.

He urged people to discuss their situation with an oral health professional and bring up any issues such as if they smoke, drink or sufferer from a condition – which could include teeth clenching or diseases such as diabetes.

"The state of oral health and the needs of each patient are [as] unique as his or her fingerprint," stated Dr Halpern.

For some procedures, the individual must have healthy gums and the correct bone structure, he concluded.

If people are nervous about visiting the dentist, they might like to take note of the following advice. Dental hygienist Sarah Darling told the Dallas News patients should wear comfortable clothes and avoid caffeine before their appointment. ADNFCR-2621-ID-19344819-ADNFCR

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