People respond to scare tactics to improve their oral health.
Individuals who are shown the end results of years of neglect in terms of oral health often do not make the same mistakes in their own lives, it has been revealed.
Dentistry IQ reported that talking to people about the problems that can arise from a lack of oral healthcare can help show them the error of their ways.
Indeed, problems like gingivitis, lost teeth and bleeding gums can all be avoided if a person brushes regularly.
Flossing and using mouthwash are also excellent additions to the routine, as they ensure all food debris and plaque is removed before it can cause a problem to healthy teeth and gums.
Meanwhile, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation Dr Nigel Carter recently stated that National Smile Month – currently taking place in the UK – could prompt many Brits to take better care of their teeth.
He claimed that the focus is on looking after teeth and keeping them healthy for life, with the tagline Teeth4Life hoping to raise awareness of this issue.
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