Diabetes sufferers have been advised how to boost their oral health.
Individuals suffering from diabetes but hoping to improve their oral health routines could benefit from some handy advice.
Perth EMC reported that sufferers can be at a higher risk of oral health concerns, but by handling their day-to-day oral hygiene correctly, they could reduce this danger.
The publication noted that high blood sugar can cause a decrease in saliva production, but this can be tackled by ensuring people drink lots of water and keep themselves well hydrated.
Furthermore, quitting smoking could be highly beneficial to oral health, as well as eating healthily by consuming a good mix of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Elsewhere, the Windsor Star recently reported that poor nutrition can lead to a shortage of the minerals needed to maintain strong bones and teeth.
As a result, it advised having a balanced diet to promote healthy development and maintenance of the mouth’s tissues.
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