Consuming too much fruit juice may lead to people developing problems with their teeth, one expert has suggested, which could require emergency dentistry.
Dr Rosemary Leonard, writing for the Daily Express, advised readers that while drinks of this kind may provide part of a healthy diet, they can harm enamel and cause tooth decay.
“A glass of natural fruit juice may give you one of your five a day but, the acid it contains can damage your teeth,” she explained.
According to Dr Leonard, while saliva will help in washing away some of the acid, people should still only indulge in fruit juice at meal times.
It is particularly important not to brush teeth immediately after drinking such liquids, she added, as the enamel will have been softened by the acid and be more susceptible to damage.
Dentists in Taiwan were recently reported by the China Post as stating over-sized fast food could lead to emergency dentistry, with massive burgers proving particularly troublesome.
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