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North-west ‘has highest rate of childhood tooth decay’

Pearl Dental Clinic
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emergency dentistChildren in the north-west are the most likely to need to take a trip to the emergency dentist, it has been found.

A study by the North West Public Health Observatory showed that children in Manchester and Rochdale had the worst teeth and surmised that oral health a key issue that needs to be tackled across the region.

Gill Davies from the observatory said: "The north-west has the highest average number of decayed, missing or filled teeth with the average five-year-old in the worst places like Manchester having five teeth affected – a quarter of a child of this age’s teeth."

Professor TP Chaturvedi, senior doctor of the Faculty of Dental Sciences at Banaras Hindu University, recently claimed that early diagnosis and treatment of problems could make the likelihood of children developing problems with their teeth as they get older less likely.

As a result, he argued that children should see their dentist for check-ups on a regular basis.

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