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New teeth cleaning gum created

Pearl Dental Clinic
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A chewing gum that can clean teeth and replace toothpaste and the toothbrush has been developed in the US.

Researcher from the University of Kentucky (UK) have created a chewing gum that could help improve oral health.

Pat DeLuca, a professor in the department of pharmaceutical sciences at UK, commented: "It’s something that is going to be very beneficial."

He added that the gum has a number of applications, with it being especially useful for the armed forces and also in helping to improve the quality of life of those in developing countries.

Elsewhere, the Dentistry 2009 conference was held in Abu Dhabi on November 9th where a number of innovations in the dental medicine sector were showcased.

New imaging software, impression materials, hand instruments and implant systems were all on display at the event, with attendees able to see the latest developments which could in the future improve dental services for everyone.

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