People need to be more aware of food contents in order to prevent tooth decay becoming prevalent, one expert has claimed.
Dr Philippa Sawyer, chairwoman of the Australian Dental Association oral health committee, said: “People don’t necessarily understand what causes tooth decay,” the Herald Sun reports.
She went on to explain that snacking throughout the day is a contributing factor in why there has been a rise in the number of cases of rotten teeth, which could lead to individuals requiring emergency dentistry.
The medical professional’s comments came after a study by the Australian Dental Association’s Victorian branch and consumer activist Choice found muesli bars and orange juice had very high sugar and acidity levels.
A warning about fruit was also given by Tania Ferraretto, dietician with Nutrition Professionals Australia, who described how a lot of fruit is acidic so it is necessary to ensure teeth are regularly and properly cleaned to prevent damage.
Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, recently advised people to limit their intake of sweet drinks and chew sugar free gum to help protect tooth enamel from corrosive fizzy drinks.
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