Emergency dentistry could become a problem among the elderly. The new generation of elderly people may be more in need of emergency dentistry than their predecessors, one expert has claimed.

Dr Mary McNally, an associate professor of dentistry at Dalhousie University in Canada, told the Vancouver Sun that because of advances in oral hygiene, people are now more likely to keep their teeth well into old age, whereas once they would have had dentures at a relatively young age.

However, she explained that as baby boomers get older and become less able to look after their own oral hygiene – as well as perhaps needing medicine that dries out the mouth – they may suddenly start losing teeth to decay and needing procedures like dental implants.

"There are a lot of people out there with a lot of good dental work, but we can anticipate that there will be issues as care patterns change," Dr McNally commented.

In January 2011, Dr David Mady told the Windsor Star that elderly people need good oral healthcare on a regular basis.

He suggested that the people who look after them may be able to help with this.


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