Fluoride helps children’s teeth stay stronger for longer.
Researchers for the Cochrane Oral Health Group have highlighted the importance of fluoride in helping children’s teeth stay healthy.
A study by the organisation revealed a minimum concentration of fluoride in children’s toothpastes of 1,000 parts per million (ppm) could have a significantly positive impact on oral health.
At present, it said concentrations in these products range from 100 to 1,400 ppm.
Dr Anne-Marie Glenny, an author of the review, said: “It is very confusing for parents to know how to strike the right balance, which isn’t helped by the fact that different companies use different concentrations of fluoride in their toothpastes aimed at children.”
Elsewhere, Cosmetic Dentistry Guide recently reported dental professionals in Warrington are offering free emergency dentistry treatments to children in the area.
Warrington dentists are providing kids in the town with a fluoride varnish that can help strengthen the enamel and reduce the likelihood of their milk teeth decaying.
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