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London lumineer treatment ‘could be suitable for older patients’

Pearl Dental Clinic
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Older patients might like to consider lumineersLondon lumineer treatment might be an option for elderly people living in England’s capital.

This is because News Channel 8 explained the health of a smile can change over the years due to a number of factors.

Acids from food and beverages can attack the tooth surface and cause enamel loss.

Orange juice, sports drinks, fruit, yoghurt and salsa were all named as treats that can cause such damage to oral health.

"If left untreated, the result can be irreversible enamel loss," the news provider stated.

As a consequence, people may find they need to undergo oral health procedures, it added, going on to suggest veneers could be an option.

Lumineers are fixed into a patient’s mouth slightly differently to traditional veneers, explained Lumineers.com.

The website asserted pain is minimised because there is no drilling needed and they can last for over 20 years.

Another option for people who have found their pearly whites have discoloured over time from drinks such as coffee and red wine might be teeth whitening.ADNFCR-2621-ID-19336876-ADNFCR

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