Biting fruit too deeply can damage teeth, a dental implant expert has warned.
Dr Timothy Kosinski has fitted nearly 6,000 tooth implants and said he has often treated people who have chipped their teeth on fruit containing stones.
Peaches, cherries, plums and apricots are particularly dangerous, he added, as they have hard centres that can also dislodge fillings or crowns if someone bites too hard, leaving patients needing emergency dentistry.
The Food Standards Agency suggests people have several portions of fruit or vegetables with each meal and recommends such produce as a healthy snack.
“I love fresh fruit too and enjoy a juicy peach as much as anyone but we should be careful when biting into pitted fruit,” advised Dr Kosinski, who is an assistant clinical professor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry.
He also reminded people to floss after eating peaches, as the fruit’s skin can stick to teeth.
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