Cerezen is a revolutionary new device that targets the symptoms of TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorders). These often include headaches, jaw pain, earache, migraines, and a clicking jaw. The symptoms are caused by the clenching and grinding of the teeth, usually at night while the patient is asleep and unaware. The Cerezen device is small and compact, and specially manufactured to fit each individual ear canal safely and comfortably.
Cerezen TMJD Treatment
To find out if Cerezen could help you then why not book in for an appointment with one of our highly trained dentists for an examination. It takes around two weeks for the device to be made. The treatment is clinically proven and works by encouraging the jaw to return to an open bite position. This then stops the jaw from clenching or grinding. Furthermore, the device is small and transparent, making it very discreet. You can eat, drink, sleep, and speak normally with the device in place. Many people have enjoyed the benefits of Cerezen and found that it has given them a new lease of life. Why not see is Cerezen can help you!
If you would like to book in for a Cerezen consultation then please call us on 0208 547 9997. We also provide general dental care and cosmetic dentistry treatments at the clinic. Furthermore, our emergency dental service is available seven days a week right up until ten o’clock every night. You can also make use of our convenient online booking service for prompt treatment for a dental emergency. We look forward to assisting you with all your dental needs, here at Pearl Dental Clinic.

Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm. You can book an appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or emailing us or also by booking an appointment online.