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Thin Veneers

Pearl Dental Clinic
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Thin VeneersThe benefit of undergoing treatment with thin veneers is that, most often, enamel shaving is not needed. Enamel shaving is the process of removing small amounts of enamel from the teeth so that the new veneers can look natural and in proportion with the rest of the mouth and face. In most cases, ultra-thin veneers make it possible to return to the natural teeth at any point, whereas with thicker veneers this is not possible.

Here at Pearl Dental Clinic we also provide other stunning cosmetic dentistry treatments to enhance and rejuvenate your look. These include teeth whitening, dermal fillers, Botox, adult orthodontics, and tooth contouring. All our cosmetic consultations are completely free of charge. Why not find out more about how we can help you get the look you have always wanted.

Thin Veneers


Lumineers are ultra-thin porcelain veneers that are as thin as a contact lens. Because they are so thin it is highly unlikely that enamel will need to be shaved from the teeth. This type of veneer is extremely natural looking and can last as long as twenty years in some cases.


Emax is another ultra-thin veneer that is extremely strong and robust. This is because they are made from pressed porcelain. This also means that the edges of Emax veneers are much stronger than most others and can handle more bite pressure without getting chipped or damaged as easily. Like Lumineers, they require little or no enamel shaving too. The clinic also offers Durathin veneers which are very similar to Emax and Lumineers.


If you would like to book in for a cosmetic consultation, or you would simply like to find out more, then please call our team on 0208 547 9997. We can also provide the whole family with general dental care. In addition to this, if you have a dental emergency, then you can call us right up until 10pm, seven days a week. We look forward to assisting you in the clinic soon.

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Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm. You can book an appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or emailing us or booking an appointment online.

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