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Private Wisdom Teeth Removal

Pearl Dental Clinic
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Private wisdom teeth removalIf you are in need of private wisdom teeth removal then Pearl Dental Clinic can provide the care, support, and treatment you need. Our experienced oral surgeons will talk you through the process step by step. Issues with the wisdom teeth tend to occur when patients have not attended regular dental check-ups, however, problems can still occur for patients who do.

Symptoms you may experience

If there is an issue with one or more of your wisdom teeth then you may experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Moderate to severe pain. Some people may find the pain excruciating.
  • Stiffness in the jaw near the affected wisdom tooth.
  • Overcrowding of the neighbouring teeth which can cause pain.
  • Gum disease, swelling, infection, or tooth decay. This can happen when there is not enough room for the tooth to erupt. Due to this, it makes it difficult to keep the area clean and hygienic.

Private wisdom teeth removal

An infected wisdom tooth will need immediate treatment. This treatment is likely to consist of an initial cleaning of the area and removal of any plaque and debris that has built up. Once this process has been completed it is imperative that the infection does not redevelop. Therefore, the infected wisdom tooth will most likely be removed. Prices for wisdom tooth removal range from between one hundred and fifty pounds to two hundred and fifty pounds.


If you need private wisdom teeth removal or any other general dental care please call the clinic on 0208 547 9997. Alternatively, you can make use of our convenient dental emergency walk-in service if the issue is causing you pain or distress. In addition to this, the clinic also offers a full range of cosmetic treatments to give you beautiful, healthy teeth, skin, and lips. We look forward to seeing you soon.book dental appointment

Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm. You can book an appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or emailing us or booking an appointment online. 

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