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How Much Is Root Canal Treatment?

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How Much Is Root Canal Treatment?

Average prices for private root canal treatment

Many patients may ask, how much is root canal treatment? In answer to this, prices can vary due to the clinic or surgery they visit. It can also depend on location. The average price for private root canal treatment is between £360 to £475 per tooth (source: Private Health Care UK – Consumer Advice and Support). This is for a basic root canal treatment and could change if the issue turned out to be more complex. Patients may find that further complications develop or that a root canal needs further treatment. This will inevitably increase the price of the work carried out.

Why might a root canal be needed?

A root canal treatment involves a dentist drilling into the tooth so that they can clean out the root. This is done in an attempt to remove any infection and to save the tooth from further issues or extraction. There are different reasons why someone might need a root canal treatment. These are as follows:

  1. The root could become infected by decay.
  2. There could be cracks or chips in the tooth that allow bacteria to develop in the pulp.
  3. The tooth could have been damaged by an injury or dental trauma.
  4. A tooth that has undergone previous dental procedures may develop issues with the root.

Private root canal treatment and cosmetic dentistry at Pearl Dental Clinic

Pearl Dental Clinic offers extremely competitive rates on all procedures. Root canal treatments start from just £200. A full list of dental prices for this and other general and cosmetic dentistry procedures can be viewed on the dentist website.

Furthermore, the clinic also offers an internal teeth whitening procedure. After a root canal treatment, the tooth can discolour from the inside. The discolouration occurs because the root has been removed, therefore the tooth is no longer functioning as a living tooth. Internal whitening can bleach the inside of the tooth to ensure that it does not look out of place among the surrounding teeth. Prices for internal tooth whitening start from £295. If you think you may need a root canal treatment or would like to discuss any other dental procedures with us, then do give our experienced staff a call. Alternatively, you can book an appointment or consultation online.

Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm. You can book an appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or emailing us or booking an appointment online.

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