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Extreme Tooth Pain

Pearl Dental Clinic
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There could be a number of causes of extreme tooth pain. When a toothache strikes it is vital that emergency dental treatment is sought to ensure that the issue does not develop into anything more serious. Toothache of any kind is not a good sign, however, some toothaches could be a sign that something more sinister is going on. If in doubt, the rule of thumb is to always contact a dentist for advice.

Causes Of Extreme Tooth Pain 

Infected Root

Extreme Tooth Pain

An infected tooth root can cause significant pain. When the root of a tooth becomes infected then a root canal treatment is needed. This procedure involves the dentist drilling up into the tooth, removing the infected pulp, and packing the root cavity with a special type of antibiotic. Following this, the tooth is sealed with a filling and monitored to ensure the infection has been effectively treated.

Crack Or Break In The Tooth

Aesthetic or superficial cracks may not cause any pain or issue, however, more serious damage certainly will. Broken teeth can expose the tooth pulp, or cause pressure or damage to the tooth nerve, as well as soft tissue damage. Some cracks can be fixed by a dentist using a filling (and other treatment if necessary). Whereas some cracks will mean that the tooth needs to be extracted.

Abscessed Tooth

If a dental abscess has developed within the tooth or the gum then extreme pain can be experienced. It is very important to note that an abscess will never get better without treatment. In fact, it will only become worse. Abscesses can cause major complications for the teeth and the body in general. Therefore, fast treatment should be sought from a dental professional to ensure that the problem is managed correctly. In extreme cases, abscesses can cause blood poisoning and be life-threatening.


If you are in need of an emergency dental appointment then please call the clinic anytime during the day or evening on 0208 547 9997. If you are unsure whether you have a dental emergency then please call us anyway for impartial advice and support. We have dentists available right up until 10pm, seven days a week. Furthermore, a convenient online booking system service is available to make it easier and secure . At the clinic, you can also access general dental care and beautiful cosmetic dentistry treatments. We look forward to assisting you soon.

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Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm. You can book an appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or emailing us or booking an appointment online.

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