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Painless Tooth Extraction

Pearl Dental Clinic
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Painless Tooth ExtractionIf you struggle with a dental phobia or would like to have a painless tooth extraction then Pearl Dental Clinic has the solution. We can deliver expert treatment while being mindful of an individual’s needs and the treatment can go at a pace that the patient is happy with. Furthermore, any concerns or questions can be discussed with one of our receptionists on 0208 547 9997.

Painless Tooth Extraction

There are a few ways that we can help make a tooth extraction as painless as possible. For example, having the anaesthetic administered via our painless injection system, or by having the treatment under dental sedation.

Tooth extraction under IV sedation

Having an IV sedative allows patients to feel calm and relaxed. Patients are not completely unconscious with IV sedative, however, they will find that they fall into a dream-like state and will not remember any of the treatment once the sedation has worn off. This is especially good for people who also suffer from dental anxiety or dental phobia. Because the sedative is administered directly into the vein it works within seconds.

Tooth extraction using the Painless Injection

Often patients can feel apprehensive about having anaesthetic due to the stinging pain that occurs. When delivered by the Painless Injection System (also known as The Wand) there will be no pain. This is because the technology injects the anaesthetic at the exact speed necessary to avoid this troublesome side effect. Furthermore, the Painless Injection is offered completely free of charge in all our appointments.


If you think you may need a tooth extraction or any other type of general dental care you can call us on 0208 547 9997. The clinic also offers emergency appointments for new or existing patients that are suffering from an urgent issue. In addition to this, stunning cosmetic dentistry treatments are available to help improve the look of teeth and skin. We look forward to assisting you with all your dental needs here at Pearl Dental Clinic.

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Pearl Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm. You can book an appointment by calling us on 0208 547 9997 or emailing us or also by booking an appointment online.

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